Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Video of the Week

I found this video the other day of Ed Headrick, the father of disc golf, on the Johnny Carson Show. For those of you who may not know who Johnny Carson is, he was the man who started late night talk shows. He was famous for not only his late night talk show, but he would go overseas and tell jokes to our troops. So, if someone was on Johnny Carson's show back in the day, it was a big deal.

Headrick was not only the creator of disc golf, but he also created many other toys such as the supernal and the wheel bar. His most well-known invention, of course, was the frisbee. This old video footage shows Headrick explaining to Carson how to throw the frisbee. They have a few laughs when Headrick throws the frisbee at the drummer and the drummer is not able to throw the frisbee back with much accuracy.

I was surprised to see this video because I never thought Headrick got much credit for his creation of disc golf; more so, he got his dues for his toys. This was a good step in the right direction for disc golf because Headrick was now more recognizable for his appearance on Carson's talk show.

I feel like disc golf needs a leader, or some kind of figure to make the sport more popular. As of right now, there are many professional disc golfers that try to promote the sport to the rest of the world. But, disc golf does not have a person like Tiger Woods, who may be recognized on other planets in our solar system. Ken Climo is a famous professional disc golfer, and is probably the best the game has ever seen, but he is a lot older and does not play very often. Therefore, the disc golf community and the PDGA should step up and improve the popularity of disc golf.

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