Monday, November 9, 2009

Eat, Sleep, and Breathe Disc Golf

Most of my blog posts have been geared toward the beginning or average disc golfer. However, I want to write this post for the more experienced disc golfer, or professional. For those of you who sign up for out of state tournaments and enjoy going on tour, you understand how tiring and time consuming it can be. Therefore, it is important to be well-prepared before you go on tour because it may cost you during the tournament.

To be well-prepared means having your clothes, toiletries, and equipment packed and ready to go before you leave. By having all your belongings ensures that all your focus will be on disc golf and thinking about the strategies you will have during the round. Make sure to have all your discs and bag because you may lose a disc during a round and not having all your discs could be costly.

Another tip to keep in mind is go home! If you go on tour often, make sure you have a home base, somewhere you can recover from all the stress and effort you put into the tournament. Going home to see your loved ones makes everything better, so no matter how you finish in the tournament, your family will always love you. Also, most professional disc golfers go home because they need a source of income and having a job is important. When you go on tour you spend a lot of money and it is crucial to be able to support yourself as well as your family by having a job at home.

When you go on tour, see if others are going too. Its good to plan ahead and see if your friends other disc golfers you know are going to the same tournament. This could save money on gas as well as spending the night in a hotel. Rather than travelling a thousand miles for every tournament. Maybe you and your friends could plan on playing tournaments that are centrally located or closer to your home. This benefits you as well as your family too.

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