Friday, October 30, 2009

Website Review

This post is dedicated to reviewing a disc golf website. If you have been following my blog. and website you know that I have listed several resources that will help you with your game. Some of the websites have been a basic understanding of the game, such as terms and rules of the game, and others have included tips on how to improve your game. This website I found has the best of both worlds and Stuart Hicks has provided disc golfers with a great resource.

The first page is a glossary of terms, similar to my disc golf terminology post. It was good for Hicks to put this at the top of the site because beginners need to understand the different ways to throw the disc as well as how the disc flies in the air. Next, Hicks explains the invention of the frisbee or disc and then explains how disc golf was created. Since, disc golf is a recent invention, most people want to know the history of the game, and Hicks did a great job explaining things in detail.

Now that you understand the terms and history of the game, Hicks has provided his guests with the basics of the game. This includes the equipment you can use, the basic rules of the game, and how to choose the right disc for you. I like that Hicks has separated these areas, but put them in one section. It helps readers understand the importance of each topic. The last major page is throwing techniques. Hicks did a great job explaining the different ways to throw the disc by displaying charts and pictures.

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